Summer Groups

Outdoor Experiential Therapy Groups for Summer

Sage Canyon Counseling and Autism Outdoors Utah are thrilled to announce that we are offering outdoor experiential therapy groups for Autistic kiddos ages 5-7.

Key notes

  • Meets Monday to Thursday 8:30am to 12:00pm for weeks listed below.
  • $200/week paid in advance. Volunteer for a lower rate.
  • Limited to 6 kids ages 5 to 7.
  • Parents are responsible for transportation to and from location.


This summer, for each week listed below, we will offer a group that meets Monday-Thursday from 8:30am-Noon. The groups will involve a variety of outdoor activities- kid-friendly hikes, playing in the water, nature learning activities, and a whole lot more. We will focus on social learning, emotional and sensory regulation, building positive social connections, and simply having fun outdoors. Our groups are limited to 6 kids total so that we can keep them small and therefore make them more effective in meeting these objectives. We strive to meet kids where they are at, to have low barrier to entry with our activities, and above all to make the experiences enjoyable. Our model is very much based in the challenge-by-choice philosophy, and so, for example, if kids need to participate in some of the activities in a modified way, or simply take a break and observe, that is not only okay but encouraged. 

The cost is $200/week. Families can sign up for multiple weeks if they would like. For each week, we are looking for a parent volunteer who would be able to attend along with their child in exchange for a reduced rate. Volunteers will be expected to assist other kids as well as their own. Kids must be potty-trained to attend OR have a parent or other caregiver who can attend with them if they are not yet potty-trained. 

Parents will transport kids to our location for the day and drop them off at 8:30. We will do our group throughout the morning and then be done in time for pick-up at noon. We will provide snacks and water, and your kid can bring their own food as well. 


  • June 30-July 3
  • July 7-10
  • July 14-17
  • July 21-24
  • July 28-31

Our group leader is a licensed therapist with 20+ years working with Autistic kids and providing experiential therapy activities. He has completed a background check with the state and has wilderness first aid training as well. 

For more information about experiential therapy and its benefits for Autistic kids, check out these websites: 

Nature-Based Interventions for Autistic Children: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis

Outdoor Therapy: A Brief Introduction

Additionally, if your child has ABA, Speech Therapy, or other, similar services and those providers would like to attend along with your child, that is totally okay! 

If you are interested, please email us. Given that our groups are limited to 6 participants, spots will likely fill up quickly.